The minutes of the meeting held on zoom have been published and can be downloaded here. 

Minutes of the APPG on GH - 2nd December 2020

The meeting received a presentation from Dr Janice Atkins, Research Fellow at Exeter University Medical School on the risks of liver cancer to people with genetic haemochromatosis. 

The meeting also heard the accounts of two Haemochromatosis UK members, affected by liver cancer :

For these and other personal stories, check out our blog.

52 members joined this time and were able to ask questions. 

The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 17th February 2021 14:30pm-15:30pm. Everyone is welcome, pre-register here.

Dr Atkins' presentation to the APPG is available in full here :

"Hoppy" Hopkinson shares his story of over-coming liver cancer, caused by genetic haemochromatosis here :

In this video Mark shares his story of how genetic haemochromatosis has touched his family and their experience of liver cancer caused by genetic haemochromatosis : 

Haemochromatosis UK's Chief Executive Neil McClements shared the results of a survey conducted during Summer 2020, into the lived experience of people with GH during the Covid-19 global pandemic :