What is genetic haemochromatosis? Excess iron (caused by iron overload) is extremely toxic and can affect many parts of the body. Genetic haemochromatosis (GH) affects everyone differently. Many people experience one or more symptoms. But some people don't experience any noticeable symptoms as a result of genetic haemochromatosis. We provide postal tests for genetic haemochromatosis, with results within 2 weeks and a follow-up video or phone appointment with a specialist nurse to discuss the results. Click here for further details. Our video explains more about the condition and the common symptoms which people can experience. Symptoms of genetic haemochromatosis can include the following: Arthritis; may affect any joint but particularly common in the knuckle and first joint of the first two fingers (the bronze fist). If arthritis is found only in the first two finger joints this is highly suggestive of GH Chronic fatigue, weakness, lethargy Abdominal pain; sometimes in the stomach region or the upper right hand side, sometimes diffuse Neurological/psychiatric disorders; impaired memory, mood swings, irritability, depression Sexual disorders; loss of sex drive, impotence in men Absent or scanty menstrual periods and early menopause in women Bronzing of the skin, or a permanent tan, or grey tone Cardiomyopathy; disease of the heart muscle Diabetes (late onset type) Pituitary or adrenal issues (eg Addison's Disease) Liver disorders; abnormal liver function, enlarged liver, cirrhosis, liver cancer Sepsis/bacterial infections : people with some types of genetic haemochromatosis are at significantly increased risk of sepsis and bacterial infections Decrease in body hair Most of these symptoms are found in other disorders. For example chronic fatigue may be ascribed to after-effects of a viral infection or to psychological causes, and abdominal pain to irritable bowel syndrome. Similarly liver disorders may be put down to excessive alcohol intake, even in someone who is only a moderate drinker. However, if some of the symptoms listed above are present, GH should be considered as a diagnosis. Most individuals who have GH will, if untreated, develop at least one or two of the above symptoms, although possibly only in a very mild form. There may be a long phase of the condition where there are no symptoms. Fatigue … liver problems … joint problems is a ‘typical’ order of symptoms developing (though this does vary of course). Joints complaints are typical of the elderly and sexual problems typical of younger people at diagnosis. The need for treatment to remove excess iron does not depend upon the presence of clinical symptoms. The risk of developing a serious complaint such as cirrhosis is much too great to be overlooked. We provide postal tests for genetic haemochromatosis, with results within 2 weeks and a follow-up video or phone appointment with a specialist nurse to discuss the results. Click here for further details. Manage Cookie Preferences