Our charity's policies are available for review and download here.

Acceptable Usage Policy

One of the aims of our charity is to support individuals affected by genetic haemochromatosis, as well as their family members and friends who support them. Through our website, including on our online Facebook Support Group, we wish to nurture a positive and encouraging community. This policy sets out our acceptable usage policy for people who wish to make contributions to our website and/or Facebook Support Group.

Donations Policy

This policy has been set out by the trustees of Haemochromatosis UK, as a public guide to how we make decisions on accepting and refusing donations. It also sets out the processes we will follow including due diligence checks where they are required.

Safeguarding Policy

Protecting people and safeguarding responsibilities are priorities for Haemochromatosis UK (HUK). The charity supports and works with a wide range of people throughout the UK and we recognise that some people we are in contact with may be at risk of harm. The charity supports the rights of people to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. We aim to provide a safe and trusted environment that safeguards everyone, including beneficiaries, employees and volunteers. This policy explains how.

Environmental Policy

We are committed to minimising the environmental impact of our activities. This policy explains more.

Healthcare & Pharmaceutical Industry Position Statement

Haemochromatosis UK recognises the importance of investment by pharmaceutical, medical device manufacturers, diagnostics or prognostics companies and biomedical companies in research, development and clinical trials of treatments for genetic haemochromatosis (GH). We are also mindful of the relationship between the voluntary sector and the NHS. This position statement explains how we work with the NHS, pharmaceutical industry (and similar) partners and collaborators.

Whistleblowing Policy

It is important that any fraud, misconduct or wrongdoing by staff or others working on behalf of the charity is reported and properly dealt with. We therefore require all individuals to raise any concerns that they may have about the conduct of others in the charity or the way in which the organisation is run. This policy sets out the way in which individuals may raise any concerns that they have and how those concerns will be dealt with.

Data Protection & Privacy Policy

Haemochromatosis UK respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. In this privacy policy, we provide you with information on how we collect, store and use your personal information and tell you about your privacy rights and how the law protects you.

Volunteers' Social Media Policy

Social media is essential to the success of communicating Haemochromatosis UK's work. From time-to-time volunteers may participate in social media to engage with our audience, participate in relevant conversations and raise the profile of Haemochromatosis UK's work. This policy is intended for all volunteers. It complements the charity’s social media policies for staff.

Equal Opportunities Policy

Haemochromatosis UK believes that “Equal Opportunities” in the broadest sense is a fundamental principle and that staff, trustees, and volunteers should act to promote equality and embrace diversity in all aspects of our work. This extends beyond meeting statutory requirements and is a key part of our culture. This policy explains more.

Trustees - Conflict of Interest Policy

This policy applies to all Trustees and Observers of Haemochromatosis UK. It was informed by Charity Commission guidance “Conflicts of Interest : A Guide for Trustees”.

Expenses Policy

This is our charity's expenses policy - in respect of employees, volunteers and board members - when on charity business.

Complaints Policy

As a charity, we are committed to providing a quality service and achieving the highest standards in supporting people affected by genetic haemochromatosis. This policy is designed to provide a positive response to complaints and ensure that Haemochromatosis UK is open about the improvements that we have made as a result of feedback.

MyIron+ App Terms & Conditions

We provide access to our MyIron+ app in accordance with these terms & conditions.

Cookie Policy

This policy describes how and why we use cookies on this website (www.haemochromatosis.org.uk) and the Mylron+ App.  

Genetic Testing Terms & Conditions

These are our terms and conditions for genetic testing, genetic screening and genetic counselling. They should be read in conjunction with our privacy policy for genetic testing and genetic counselling.

Genetic Testing & Genetic Counselling Privacy Policy

This policy sets out how we will handle your privacy in relation to genetic testing, screening and counselling services provided by us (whether paid or unpaid). They should be read in conjunction with our genetic testing terms & conditions.