Finalists for the Better Health Awards

Last month Haemochromatosis UK won the Patient Safety Learning award for “engaging patients and their families in safety improvement initiatives”, in partnership with AvMA.

It is exciting then that we are also finalists for the AbbVie Big Ideas for Better Health Awards.



“The AbbVie Big Ideas for Better Health Awards were launched by biopharmaceutical company AbbVie in 2015 as a way to recognise, celebrate and share exceptional examples of improvements and innovation that demonstrate clear benefit to the lives of patients.”

There were three award categories, Haemochromatosis UK was shortlisted and  reached the finals for “driving prevention and early intervention”.


Venesection best practice

We reached the finals for the venesection best practice training day that HUK held in partnership with Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, which was attended by over 120 nurses from throughout the UK as well as attendees from overseas.

Venesections are necessary for genetic haemochromatosis (GH) and these are required regularly, yet Haemochromatosis UK found that there were no guidelines or best practice for such procedures. HUK worked with Guy’s and St Thomas’ to tackle this gap with a venesection best practice training day and we are now collaborating on a set of national best practice protocols suitable for a variety of settings to safely treat a range of illnesses and genetic disorders.

David Head, Chief Executive at HUK, expresses pride at this achievement as he says, “This is a great reflection of how influential Haemochromatosis UK is becoming as we grow”.



Although HUK didn’t win, it was a great opportunity to be recognised for the work we do, especially as the award  was held at the Palace of Westminster and was attended by Matt Hancock who spoke to representatives of Haemochromatosis UK about our work.