The Best Practice show is the number one event in the UK for the primary care and general practice community. This year, 6000 GP’s, Dispensing Doctors, Advanced Nurse Practitioners & Practice Managers came along to network, listen to lectures and meet a huge variety of stand holders… Including everyone’s favourite (and only!) #TeamIronOverload


Our stand was right next to the Nursing Best Practice Conference Theatre. We had goodie bags of booklets and learning resources to give out whilst attendees were queuing for theatre. One of the show highlights was being able to share copies of our award winning Venesection Best Practice Guidance publication alongside Yvonne Francis, who not only co-wrote the guidance but was also part of the incredible team that won the British Journal of Nursing awards Nurse of the Year for the project. Also helping us to field enquiries was another lovely nurse, Lurleen James, who had travelled all the way from London to join #TeamIronOverload for the event.

Huge thanks to Yvonne and Lurleen for all of their help at the event, we really couldn’t have done it without you!

Day two was a little less manic, which gave us the opportunity to have some more in-depth discussions, including with some physios who were interested in how Haemochromatosis can cause joint pain. It was also really heartening to hear from so many health professionals who knew of the condition, and how much it can impact the health of those of have it if left undiagnosed.  

It was great to discuss diagnosis and care pathways for those with Haemochromatosis, as well as hear from those doctors and nurses in training who were super keen to discuss the condition and find out how they can learn more.

If you would like to join #TeamIronOverland and volunteer at shows next year get in touch with our Volunteer Manager Elizabeth : [email protected]