Introducing Alice, the newest member of #TeamIronOverload Meet Alice, the AI iron overload companion. She can answer questions about genetic haemochromatosis. Alice is powered by artificial intelligence. She's being introduced to help us scale up to support the ever-growing number of people seeking our help through our helplines, Facebook Support Group and specialist nurse appointments service. The number of people seeking support via our helplines has more than doubled, since Christmas. So, to keep pace Alice is being rolled out this month. She's available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. Alice will be available in parallel to our existing support and advisory services, including our members-only specialist nurse advisory service. She's been rigorously trialled by dozens of members and clinicians over recent months. Feedback has been resoundingly positive : "I was surprised how empathetic responses were and it would have really helped me when first diagnosed to ask all those initial questions to get a general understanding of the disease." said Jane. "I absolutely love Alice! This is a great resource and a really good way to support those of us who struggle with using the phone. Personally, I am autistic, and that makes phone calls a real challenge for me. I have called up the advice line before and spoke with Diogo who was brilliant, but it is difficult for me to do so. With Alice, I could just quickly fire it up and ask all manner of questions without any anxiety....I’d say that this resource will make Haemochromatosis UK support more accessible to people with GH who are neurodivergent or experience mental health issues." said Adam(#). Paul put Alice through her paces during the extensive beta-testing period and noted that "the Ai responses were excellent and it’s apparent that the charity have prepared well in respect of the AI training and no doubt it will get even better." Alice is already proving her value in complex or unusual circumstances. Mike(#) was surprised at how quickly Alice understood his condition with specific advice tailored to his situation following years of contradictory medical advice - "Alice is brilliant! My one Consultant concluded that I am an alcoholic based on Chicken Wire fibrosis found on my original liver biopsy 😳 Alice says different - I believe Alice 😀" Alice is free to use and can be found online and in our MyIron+ app. Ask Alice a question We gratefully acknowledge the professional services support from Sidley Austin LLP in preparing Alice for launch. Our special thanks goes to Marie Manley, George Herring, Francesca Blythe & Murray Reeve based in London and Lauren Cuyvers based in Brussels. (#) Names have been changed for privacy reasons. Manage Cookie Preferences