Join us to share your views, needs and experience of haemochromatosis symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and awareness in Northern Ireland. The tea or coffee is on us!

{venue change to Clifton House from The Europa due to expected numbers)

At Haemochromatosis UK we have identified as many people as 1 in 10 in Northern Ireland have the underlying genetics that puts us at greater risk of iron overload. Drop-in to this casual event to talk with us and others. You may have been diagnosed yourself, or someone in your family has, or maybe you are a healthcare professional with patients with haemochromatosis. All are welcome.

We are looking to develop a programme in Northern Ireland (subject to raising the funds!) specifically to support families affected, improve treatment pathways and increase awareness in probably the worst place in the world for this condition. That's why we want to hear from you about what is needed.

You may also get some answers you have been looking for - or take away some guidance literature to help you.

If you want to help promote awareness of haemochromatosis with your neighbours and in your local community let us know so we can bring extra leaflets and posters to give to you on the day - or maybe talk through how to host your own 'Iron Brew'.

Please register your interest in attending as the venue may change and we will want to let you know beforehand if this is the case. Want to recommend a different venue? Let us know.

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Talk, Tea and Coffee

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