Safeguarding is a responsibility for all of us. Protecting people and safeguarding responsibilities are priorities for our charity.

Haemochromatosis UK (HUK) supports and works with a wide range of people throughout the UK. We recognise that some people we come into contact with may be at risk of harm.

Our charity supports the rights of people to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. We aim to provide a safe and trusted environment that safeguards everyone, including beneficiaries, employees and volunteers.

Safeguarding Training

All the charity's employees, contractors, trustees and volunteers are required to participate in safeguarding training annually.

Please download and read our safeguarding training pack This should take up to 60 minutes. If you have questions, contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead (Neil McClements, CEO) or the charity's Lead Safeguarding Trustee(s).

Once you've completed the presentation/training, please complete our safeguarding quiz/assessment online. This will help to consolidate your learning - and you'll see how much you can remember! Everyone is required to complete the quiz and obtain a score of at least 75%. Upon successful completion of the quiz, you will receive a certificate of achievement.

Safeguarding Training

These resources are helpful, not just in preparing for the safeguarding assessment but for day-to-day use when doing or planning activities for the charity.