We’re constantly on the look-out for ways to recognise the contribution and efforts of everyone who regularly volunteers for Haemochromatosis UK. Sometimes, “thank you” just isn’t enough! 

So, we have partnered with Room To Reward (RTR) to provide FREE SHORT BREAKS for our hidden haemochromatosis heroes!

We’re delighted to announce that 3 of our amazing “hidden haemochromatosis heroes” have been awarded a free short break, courtesy of Room to Reward!

The lucky volunteers are :

  • Rob – for many years of Facebook moderation, which has recently developed into training new members of the moderation team
  • Gail – for all her hard work over recent years in designing and developing many of our booklets and print resources
  • Pippa – for all the amazing work she has done supporting people on the helpline and, latterly, as a GH Buddy

Every year, #TeamIronOverload will nominate volunteers to Room To Reward, in recognition of their amazing-ness and the contribution they have made to the GH community over the previous year. RTR will assess the nominations and select 2 or 3 volunteers to receive a FREE one-night or two-night stay at a hotel of the volunteer’s choice.

We have lots of volunteering opportunities available. For further details, check out our current openings.