We're calling on your support for Operation Iron Overload - the largest public appeal in the history of Haemochromatosis UK. 

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Over recent months we've screened over 1,000 families for genetic haemochromatosis. We know that #EarlyDiagnosisSavesLives - and we want to do more for communities across England, Scotland, Wales & Northern Ireland.

People like Jo* in Carrickfergus, who was diagnosed earlier this year through one of our screening programmes :

"...without Haemochromatosis UK reaching out to the community with the offer of testing and information, I would have remained totally oblivious to what has being going on in my body and the possible consequences.

More worryingly, the possibility that I could have passed a serious, potentially fatal, genetic disorder on to my child - all of which could be managed to avoid catastrophic damage..."

If you give to this appeal now we can diagnose over 1,000 people with genetic haemochromatosis. This will save lives and prevent serious ill health in families like yours across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Can you give the gift of life, today?
Before Christmas, we will offer free genetic screening to over 60,000 people in local communities across the UK - but need your support. We're still short of the funds required to provide screening to families in Liverpool, Dundee, Edinburgh, Worthing, Cardiff and Belfast
Let's do something urgently about undiagnosed haemochromatosis. Give today.

Please join with us today and make a donation towards this vital work.

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* name has been changed for privacy reasons.