If you already have your blood results in a spreadsheet or comma delimited (CSV) file, you can upload them to MyIron+.

The file needs to be formatted as shown below. If the file is not in the correct format it will be rejected when uploaded. Please check the format of the file carefully before uploading!

The first row of the file should include the names of the results fields. Those marked # are mandatory; the others are optional.

  • Date (#) - this must be a valid date of the test result and formatted DD/MM/YYYY
  • SF (#) - this is the serum ferritin value (between 1 and 30,000) and formatted as an integer
  • TSAT (#) - this is the transferrin saturation value (between 1 and 100) and formatted as a number with 1 decimal place
  • TIBC (optional) - this is the total iron binding capacity (between 1 and 1000) and formatted as an integer
  • SerumIron (optional) - this is the serum iron value (between 1 and 500) and formatted as an integer
  • Hb (optional) - this is the haemoglobin value (between 1 and 500) and formatted as a number with 1 decimal place

The file must be stored as a comma delimited (CSV) file. 

A sample file showing the formatting can be downloaded here.